How We Got Here 

On November 19, 2018, Mayor Purzycki announced the receipt of a $2.9 million federal grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to support the construction of the South Wilmington Wetland Project. Read the news release for additional information.

Wetlands Enhancement and Restoration

The purpose of the South Wilmington Wetlands Park is to create a stormwater management facility, restore and enhance existing wetlands, and create a new park for the community. The video above shows how the project will reduce flooding during a typical rain event. This site was identified by the Southbridge community as an ideal location for a wetlands park in 2006. Since then, the City of Wilmington has been working with other agencies, non-profits, and the Southbridge community to develop a park that incorporates community feedback to address ongoing issues of flooding and contamination.

Oasis Design Group and RK&K Win Award for Urban Wetlands Park Master Plan
Oasis Design Group press release, May 25, 2016

Wetlands Project Update
Presented at the Soutbridge Civic Association meeting, December 20, 2016

The South Wilmington Wetlands Park will also increase local walkability and recreational opportunities. The most prominent design feature of the site is a wide, ADA accessible boardwalk/on grade pathway through the heart of the park. This pathway will function as a recreational opportunity for local residents as well as visitors that will also allow the Southbridge community to access nearby jobs and retail shopping.

south wilmington wetlands project, wetlands location,
south wilmington wetlands project, gateway view,
south wilmington wetlands project, wetlands view with pole,
south wilmington wetlands project, west gateway view,
south wilmington wetlands project, aerial view,

Project Partners

City of Wilmington
Southbridge Civic Association
The Nature Conservancy
RK&K Engineering
BrightFields, Inc.
Oasis Design Group