public works

About the Board

The Wilmington Water, Sewer, and Stormwater Citizens Advisory Board provides oversight of the operations, finances, policies, and procedures of the water, sewer, and stormwater utilities. The CAB shall: (i) produce, or cause to be produced, periodic reports; (ii) review and recommend asset management plans; and (iii) provide critical oversight of cost and revenue projections during each fiscal year, as well as multi-year financial projections for not less than five years beyond each current fiscal year. The CAB shall recommend financial standards for the utilities and annually recommend to the city council water, sewer service, and stormwater rates and charges sufficient to maintain and improve the utility's financial condition relative to these standards.

City Code: Sec. 45-5. - Wilmington Water, Sewer and Stormwater Citizens Advisory Board ("CAB").


The Wilmington Water, Sewer, and Stormwater Citizens Advisory Board, also known as the Utilities Citizens Advisory Board (UCAB), comprises seven members to be appointed by the mayor. Two members are recommended by the city council president to the mayor for appointment, and the county executive recommends two members to the mayor for appointment.

Five members currently serve on the board and two vacancies. They are:

Michael Freda
David Hofer
David Del Grande
Martha Corrozi-Narvaez
DaWayne Sims