
About the Board

There is hereby created a Building Code Standing Committee ("committee") that shall review all ordinances proposing amendments to the Building Code. The committee is created for the purpose of advising city council on the technical aspects of each such ordinance, by making written recommendations to city council about each ordinance, prior to the meeting of city council's license and inspections committee addressing the ordinance. The committee shall be comprised of the commissioner of licenses and inspections ("commissioner"), who shall serve as the secretary for the committee and provide staff support to the committee, and three other persons to be appointed by the mayor, who shall be one architect, one engineer, and one builder.

City Code: Sec. 4-27. - Amendments.


Four members sit on the Building Code Standing Committee. They are:

Secretary: Jeffrey J. Starkey
Commissioner, Department of Licenses and Inspections

Desmond Baker

Martha White

The architect seat on the committee is currently vacant.